FINALLY! - something that works!!
I wanted a "typing" not finger writing - notepad that allowed me to quickly type out phone conversations while at work that has the ability to set up my notes in category folders. An app that would allow me to build additional sub-files for people or projects to document my conversations, and easily refer to when needed. This app is perfect and fast - to use for this application. I dont want something that requires my having to build a template every time I get a call.
My goal was to find an app like the default Notepad that had a simple file system attached to it. This app far exceeds that with the -intelligent to do list ( moves the checked items to the bottom ) - reminders options, sync options, and incredibly easy to use interface.
I have - no lie - looked at almost all 240 apps avail when you search the word notepad, and this is my final choice.
This is the first review I have done for an app.
Please dont pass this one up.
It is the absolute perfect Notepad replacement for on the fly user that is looking for an easy filing system - sortable Notepad.
Seraphimn about